Sell your data
You can disseminate your data to Tellus users.
We offer a variety
of distribution methods, including limited distribution and paid

- Satellite data hosting service
You can store your data on Tellus platform. You can also link it to other PF via API or disseminate your data to your selected users.

- Resell your satellite data
We can sell your satellite data to Tellus users as a reseller. You can store your data in Tellus in advance of selling or provide it at each selling event.
Satellite data provider partners
Data use cases
Free satellite data provision for Tellus users
This is the most common method for providing satellite data on Tellus. Metadata related to satellite data (observation date, footprint, etc.) and satellite data itself (images, etc.) are registered in Tellus storage. Tellus users can search for satellite data based on metadata criteria using Tellus APIs or GUI services such as “Tellus Traveler”. Users download data from the search results.

Japan Space Systems (JSS)
Limited distribution of satellite data
The client stores their own data, HISUI (Hyperspectral Imager SUIte) data in Tellus and disseminates some data samples for free to Tellus users. Tellus accepts usage requests through a dedicated website and distributes all registered data free of charge only to specific users authorized by permission.

Japan Space Imaging Corporation (JSI)
Priced satellite data
As a distributor, the client sells high-resolution optical satellite images by Maxar Technologies (US). Only metadata (observation date, footprint, etc.) is stored in Tellus storage. Tellus users search for satellite data based on metadata criteria using APIs or GUIs such as Tellus Traveler, and order the data. Tellus receives the data for the ordered scenes and provides it to the purchasers. * This is the method of provision until March 2024.
Current method of provision; Please contact Tellus with your desired AOI and specifications. Tellus will receive the data for the scenes for which a purchase request has been made and will provide the data to the purchaser.

Inquire us if you are interested in data provider registration.