Regarding the handling of personal information

Tellus Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “our company”) follows the laws and regulations regarding personal information protection, governmental guidelines, and other rules when handling personal information while considering the importance of personal information, for protecting personal information.

Collection of personal information

Our company gathers personal information within a necessary range. Personal information will be gathered with legal and fair methods within a necessary range, in order to attain the purpose of use described below, and personal information that could infringe the rights of individuals or harm the interests of individuals will not be collected.

Purpose of use of personal information

Personal information may be used within a necessary range for attaining the following purposes of use regarding our company’s business activities. We will not obtain personal information beyond the scope of said purpose of use or use it for any purposes other than specified ones.

Entrustment of personal information

When entrusting external enterprises with some tasks for information processing, we may provide them with personal information. When offering personal information, we will select entrustees while checking whether they satisfy the criteria for protecting personal information to a sufficient degree and conclude a contract for confidentiality.

Provision of personal information to a third party

We will not disclose provided personal information to a third party, except the following cases.

If information is insufficient

If provided personal information is insufficient, our company’s services may be unavailable.

Disclosure, correction, addition, and deletion of personal information

If you request the disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, or the like of personal information, our company will respond to said request swiftly in accordance with our regulations.

Management of personal information

We will implement appropriate safety measures against unauthorized access to personal information or the risks of loss, destruction, falsification, leak, etc. of personal information from technical and organizational aspects, and store and manage personal information.

Storage period of personal information

When the contract for use of services is terminated and the storage period of personal information designated by our company ends, we will delete the personal information of users, unless otherwise specified by a law or regulation or personal information that cannot identify individuals is used as statistical data.

Personal information protection administrator

Hideto YAMAZAKI President of Tellus Inc.

Section that deals with inquiries, complaints, and consultation

Tellus Office (Tellus Inc.)