Parameters that can be specified as search criteria for scenes

Parameters that can be specified as search criteria for scenes

This section describes the search parameters to search for scenes at the endpoint /data-search/ of Tellus Satellite Data Traveler APIs.

Search parameters

Key Key Type Description
datasets str[]

Dataset ID to be searched

Not specified when targeting all datasets.


["1a41a4b1-4594-431f-95fb-82f9bdc35d6b", "b0e16dea-6544-4422-926f-ad3ec9a3fcbd"]
intersects Polygon

Search range specified by GeoJSON Polygon (coordinates based on EPSG:4326)

When crossing the 180-degree line, specify as +360, e.g., 190 degrees.


query dict

Filtering conditions for scenes

The following items can be specified as keys for all scenes in common.

In addition, each dataset's own properties (catalog elements) can be used for keys.


"start_datetime": {"gte": "2022-01-12T00:00:00Z"},
"end_datetime": {"lte": "2022-01-20T23:59:59Z"}

For comparison operators that can be used for values, refer to the separate table “Comparison operators accepted in queries”.

start_datetime str

Start date and time of data acquisition

end_datetime str

End date and time of data acquisition

tellus:published_datetime str

Date and time when the scene was published on Tellus

tellus:name str

Scene’s name

tellus:can_ordered bool

Whether the scene needs to be ordered

sortby dict[]

Sort criteria

Array of objects specifying properties and their sort directions


[{"field": "properties.end_datetime", "direction": "desc"}]
paginate dict

Specification of pagination

size: Number of scenes to get at one time (10 or more, 1000 or less)
cursor: Send null for the first request, and use the returned cursor value in subsequent requests



Comparison operators accepted in queries

Operators Description
eq Equal to the specified value
neq Not equal to the specified value
gt Greater than the specified value
lt Less than the specified value
gte Greater than or equal to the specified value
lte Less than or equal to the specified value
startsWith Starts with the specified string
endsWith Ends with the specified string
contains Includes the specified string
in Equal to at least one of the specified values

Properties that can be specified for each dataset

To see which dataset properties (catalog elements) can be used as keys in “query” of search criteria for scenes, please get the properties by calling the API /dataset-properties/.

Paste your own API token into TOKEN (marked as “TOKENXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX”).

import requests
# Common settings for API calls
    "Authorization": "Bearer " + TOKEN,
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
def get_props():
    url = "{}/dataset-properties/".format(BASE_URL)  
    res = requests.get(url, headers=REQUESTS_HEADERS)
    except Exception as err:
        raise SystemError("error:{}".format(err))
    return res.json()


You can also check the dataset properties (catalog elements) on the Tellus Traveler's website.

They are listed as “Catalog elements” in the field “Others” of the Dataset Details page. Each dataset has its own definition of properties.


For more information on values of each property, click on the "Details" button and refer to the "Catalog elements details."